Kelli Fox!!!
Kelli was first drawn to astrology during her childhood in Sydney, Australia. As early as eight years of age, she began recording birth dates and sun signs for anyone willing to share. Kelli's formal astrological studies began at the College of Humanistic Astrology. This led to her professional accreditation with multiple organizations including: C.A., NCGR-PAA (National Council for Geocosmic Research), PMAFA (Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers), ISAR C.A.P. (International Society for Astrological Research), and the FAA (Federation of Australian Astrologers). In 1995 Kelli created where she continued to live her passion until 2003. After taking a couple of years out to be with her family, she began work on new content and services including mobile phone apps, video horoscopes and forecasts.
© Kelli Fox and The Astrologer, Inc. To read more visit: